Distinguished Quotes

Text Quotes
The doctrine of preemption has a long and distinguished history in the history of American foreign policy. (Distinguished Quotes)
If the paying public demands naturalistic art, then an artist can use his skills to produce such pictures - but these are to be clearly distinguished from the artist’s own art. (Distinguished Quotes)
Under bad manners, as under graver faults, lies very commonly an overestimate of our special individuality, as distinguished from our generic humanity. (Distinguished Quotes)
It is the tragedy of a distinguished mind and a generous nature that have gone unappreciated in a conventional, unimaginative world. A victim of men’s incomprehension of women, a symptom of women’s mistrust of men. (Distinguished Quotes)
I think one of the things that distinguished my work from the beginning when I was in college was my turning towards poetry from other countries. (Distinguished Quotes)
England is a fairly envious little country and it’s embodied in the press. They don’t like anyone being more distinguished than they are. (Distinguished Quotes)
The very best Labor governments in our nation’s history distinguished themselves by thinking big and, wherever possible, resisting the temptation to overemphasise short-term political considerations. (Distinguished Quotes)
There is only one way in the world to be distinguished. Follow your instinct! Be yourself, and you’ll be somebody. Be one more blind follower of the blind, and you will have the oblivion you desire. (Distinguished Quotes)
I’d like to have two armies: one for display with lovely guns, tanks, little soldiers, staffs, distinguished and doddering generals, and dear little regimental officers who would be deeply concerned over their general’s bowel movements or their colonel’s piles, an army that would be shown for a modest fee on every fairground in the country. (Distinguished Quotes)
Leadership is bringing people into new realms of excellence and challenging them to become distinguished in their chosen field. (Distinguished Quotes)
The traditional Sanskrit learning has given to Brahaman community of Kashmir, small as it has been always, a distinguished place in the history of Sanskrit literature since early times. (Distinguished Quotes)
Success in an enterprise can be brought about, through effective leadership, which educes open communication, which in turn would contribute towards bringing down conflict levels, thus leading to higher productivity and distinguished gains, which in turn testifies about the healthy corporate culture of an organization. (Distinguished Quotes)
The healthy life is hardly one marked by an absence of crises. In fact, an individual’s psychological health is distinguished by how early he or she can meet crisis. (Distinguished Quotes)
The economic dimension is very clear. I was at a dinner party, a mother got up, who’s a very distinguished scientist, and said she had to get home and help her daughter with her homework. The two waiters, their faces changed. They were working their second jobs, they couldn’t get home to help their kids with homework. (Distinguished Quotes)
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess. (Distinguished Quotes)
The actions of the University in my case make it abundantly clear that the Administration’s rhetoric about Harvard’s desire to attract and retain the most distinguished women in the world is empty. (Distinguished Quotes)
The central activity of engineering, as distinguished from science, is the design of new devices, processes and systems. (Distinguished Quotes)
It is quite impossible these days to assume anything about people’s educational level from the way they talk or dress or from their taste in music. Safest to treat everyone you meet as a distinguished intellectual. (Distinguished Quotes)
Scriptures - The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. (Distinguished Quotes)
Being rich and coming from a distinguished family background doesn’t guarantee happiness, Abby. In fact, it might make happiness harder to find because you have to live up to akk that expectation. (Distinguished Quotes)
I am always going to be in the hood in my heart, but what I did was added on the masters of arts, fine arts and the doctorate... if you want me to pull that out, I can get very distinguished... but I’m not going there... I don’t have to put on airs; the knowledge comes out - just listen. (Distinguished Quotes)
I can recall no parallel in history where a great nation recently at war has so distinguished its former enemy commander. (Distinguished Quotes)
When I visited Guantanamo Bay several years ago, I met a team of psychiatrists treating the detainees. When I asked how they distinguished between, say, schizophrenia or bipolarity and a bedrock religious commitment to holy war, they couldn’t answer. (Distinguished Quotes)